ULTRA Geoservices company
Full range of services for mineral deposits exploration

- Fossil fuels: oil, gas, gas condensate, gas hydrate.
- Ore: gold, copper, zinc, uranium, etc.
- Water: drinking, mineralized; natural and man-made water flows.

- Express method for minerals deposits mapping.
- Analysis of large areas.
- Analysis of hard-to-reach places.

- Approximate chemical composition of deposits.
- Estimation of the amount of deposits available for extraction.
- Determining the optimal location of wells.
Briefly about us
Our company has been engaged in mineral exploration for over 20 years
ULTRA Geoservices has developed express technology for direct search of minerals «SKIP-VERS» , which is successfully used in geological exploration works in Ukraine and abroad. With the help of our technology, geological surveys were conducted in the United States of America, Turkey, Bulgaria, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Russia and Mongolia.
Thanks to «SKIP-VERS», the search for fossil fules, ore minerals and aquifers has become operational, high-quality and economically feasible. The technology allows to work on any territories of the earth’s surface and provides accuracy and reliability of the optained data.
Why you should work with us?
High accuracy of the obtained data with a clear indication of the location of minerals on the maps and high step detailing in meters.
Processing of large areas using the technology of analysis of space images allows to obtain results for the presence of minerals in a short time.
Application of technology for surveying hard-to-reach areas, as well as in seas and oceans.
The use of technology in the survey of large areas and guarantee the productivity of the found wells can save a lot of money.
Request a consultation
You can get datailed consultation from the specialists of our company.
Describe your tasks and goals and get an offer as soon as possible.
Experienced team of professionals

Yakymchuk Mykola
Founder, CEO
Corresponding member of the Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences, Professor, Ph.D. of physical-mathematical sciences.
Chairman of Local chapter Kyiv EAGE
President of All-Ukrainian Geoinformatics Association
Author of 603 articles and abstracts, 30 methodical manuals, 13 monographies.

Korchagin Gnat
Leading scientist
PhD of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. Professor of Earth Sciences.
Laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in the field of science and technology.
Member of the European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers (EAGE).
Total number of scientific papers (monographs, articles, conference publications) — more than 800 publications.
The main directions of experimental research in recent years
- Development of methodical recommendations on the use of mobile direct search technologies (geoelectric methods and frequency-resonance method of processing and decoding of satellite images and photographs) for search and exploration of ore and combustible mineral deposits.
- Assessment of oil and gas prospects of large exploration units and local areas in Ukraine and other regions of the world.
- Application of frequency-resonant methods of processing and decoding of satellite images and photographs to study the deep structure of the Earth and the planets and satellites of the solar system.
- Development of the fundamental basis of the volcanic model of the formation of the appearance of planets and satellites of the solar system and mineral deposits.
Contact Information
We will be happy to work together on a new project
Our company is open to cooperation, new projects and solving interesting non-standard tasks.